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Funtington Primary School


Our history curriculum is designed to develop pupils' substantive and disciplinary knowledge over time. We believe that a strong grounding in historical knowledge and skills is essential for pupils to make sense of the past and the world around them. 

Key History Skills 

Our history curriculum places a strong emphasis on developing the following key historical skills: 

Chronological Understanding 

  • Pupils will develop a secure understanding of chronology, being able to sequence events, people and eras. 
  • They will learn to use historical terminology related to the passing of time. 

Historical Enquiry 

  • Pupils will learn to ask perceptive questions about the past and identify appropriate sources of evidence to investigate their enquiries. 
  • They will develop the skills to analyse sources critically, considering their reliability and usefulness. 

Interpretation of History 

  • Pupils will explore how the past has been represented and interpreted in different ways. 
  • They will learn to identify and explain different historical perspectives and narratives. 

Organisation and Communication 

  • Pupils will practise organising their historical knowledge and ideas coherently. 
  • They will develop the ability to communicate their understanding through a range of media, including written, oral and visual forms. 

Curriculum Design 

Our history curriculum is carefully sequenced to ensure pupils build secure substantive knowledge over time. We focus on teaching core knowledge that will support future learning, including key events, people, concepts and phenomena. 

Alongside this, we provide meaningful opportunities for pupils to develop their disciplinary knowledge - how historians study the past and construct accounts. This includes engaging with enquiry questions, source analysis and historical interpretation. 

By the end of their primary education, we aim for all pupils to have a broad and deep understanding of the past, as well as the historical skills to investigate, analyse and communicate their knowledge effectively.