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Funtington Primary School

Uniform Policy

School Uniform requirements:

Grey skirt/pinafore dress/school trousers/shorts/skort 

Grey/white socks or grey tights

Royal blue jumper/cardigan with Funtington School logo  

White blouse/shirt or Polo shirt 

Blue/white checked summer dress or skort (from the start of the Summer Term until the Autumn half term)

Black shoes or black trainers 


PE uniform to be worn to school on PE days:

Royal blue t-shirt 

School Jumper 

Black PE shorts/cycling shorts/skort

Black tracksuit bottoms or leggings  

Black trainers 


The quality second hand school uniform and PE uniform rail is located inside the front entrance of the school. All parents/carers are welcome to browse the rail for uniform as needed. Please leave good quality clean donations with Mrs White in the school office to be passed onto the PTA who manage the uniform rail.

The school can help purchase uniform on behalf of children of families in financial difficulties. Please speak privately to Mrs Hoebee.

We have two uniform providers