Our School Vision
A nurturing community which provides a caring, supportive and inclusive environment that sets high expectations and values all members of the school.
Our school vision has been developed through consulting with staff, governors, children and parents and is underpinned by the Funtington Footprints, which make up our core values.
Our School Values
The Funtington Footprints
To take responsibility for my own learning and behaviour.
To know that my actions affect those around me.
To find my own solutions to problems
To respect other people’s views and to take turns.
To respect our school and belongings and to put things away.
To be polite and use good manners.
To use equipment safely and not to hurt others with words or actions.
To keep myself safe by regulating my emotions.
To keep trying hard with our learning and our friendships even when things get really hard.
To challenge myself and those around me to do better.
To be kind, helpful and friendly to others.
To look out for each other and treat others how we would like to be treated.
To always do my best, help others do their best and to work as a team member.